Pick a place to store all your passwords

The best way to store your passwords is in a secure, place that is protected by a single password. There are tons of different website, and programs that offer this that can be easily found by a simple internet search.

Follow these rules for a strong password

  • Make it long. Many site require a long password, but try to aim for 12 charactors or more!
  • Be creative. Try replacing numbers with charactors or numbers, for example you replace the letter I with the number 1, or the letter Z with the number 2. 
  • Mix it up. Try to alternate between numbers, capital/lower case letters, puncuation and symbols to keep it unique. For example, avoid using "1234ABCD!!", instead use "1!aB23Cd4!". 


You can easily check the strength of your password online. You can find an online password checker by a simple internet search. Once you have created these passwords, make sure to put them in a secure place where you won't forget!

Update all your passwords 

If you are using a website or app to secure all your passwords, make sure you change our your master password often. Also, follow the directions on the site to ensure everything is synced up properly so you don't loose or forget a password. 

Use double authentication 

When available, use two layer password protection when available. For example add in a security question and master password so there are double protection on the site or app.

Security questions are tricky. 

Security questions can be tricky; anyone can search for the answers on the internet. Treat all your security questions like passwords. Add in different charactors to your answers or never answer them truthfully. For example if the question is... "what is your dogs name?" You can either say 2oey!theama2ingca4! aka. Zoey the amazing cat! Or, you could use the answer.. "1don4haveaDog." aka "I don't have a dog."  

Ask yourself this question when creating your answers.. Could I research this on the internet? 

Don’t let your browser or phone “remember” your passwords 

Memorize your passwords or keep them in your password keeper online or in an app. Make sure to update these when you change your password.