In today’s society of reality television, cell phones and relative luxury being quite the norm on many school campuses, parents often suspect and fear that their children have a distorted sense of the value of money. Children see “stuff” as things that they just “have” rather than work to have. As they get older, children are able to start working for their spending money, first as allowance and then as part-time jobs. Not sure the time is right for your teenager to get his first job? We have some reasons why now might be the perfect time!

Time Management 

A job will force your teenager to plan study and social times around his work schedule. If, for example, the concert he wants to attend falls during work hours, it becomes a great learning opportunity in how to prioritize. It’s also a good reminder that, without the job, he won’t be able to afford the next set of concert tickets.

Work Ethic 

Learning a good work ethic likely starts in the early days of kindergarten, but now is the time it will pay off financially. Teens with a good work ethics get noticed by current and potential employers, and this could mean the difference between earning a raise or being stagnant in their salary and roles. Your teen will soon see that if he works hard and goes above and beyond expectations, he could see financial rewards.

Life Skills 

Even the most mundane job is likely to be part of a team environment. Communication skills and teamwork are necessary life skills that will serve your teen for years to come-both in the workforce and in their personal life. A first job is the perfect place to learn, practice, and hone those skills.


With his own hard-earned money in his pocket, your teen will learn the value of money and how to budget it so he has some on hand when he needs it. And he will quickly find out why mom and dad often turned him down in the past.

Summer can be the perfect time for your teen to start hitting the pavement to find his first job. Encouraging him to do so and providing some simple guidance will set him up for success in the future.